Welcome to our first After These Messages episode! In these episodes, we watch and discuss commercials from the past, often related to the movies we watched, or chosen by one of us or our guest. This time we’re in for a wild ride with some of Christa Carmen’s favorite childhood toys, Teddy Ruxpin and Puppy Surprise.
The spoooooky Teddy Ruxpin commercial with a Dracula and Frankenstein theme
The show and tell classroom with mean kids who are too snobby for teddy bears
New Teddy Ruxpin Instruction Video
UK video comparing 90s version and 2015 version of Puppy Surprise
And then Christa told us all about how she and her sister used to play Littlest Pet Shop with LIVE BIRDS! And we have pictures to prove it! How fun is that?

Image description: Christa’s Parakeet Cashiers at The Littlest Pet Shop

Image Description: Tiny Christa and her sister, playing with their birds!
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